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Inilah Calon Bupati Cirebon 2024 Pilihan Anda

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Siapa Calon Bupati Cirebon 2024 Pilihan Anda
  • Eddy Suzendi 50%, 336 votes
    336 votes 50%
    336 votes - 50% of all votes
  • Hj. Ayu Tjiptaningsih Sunjaya 24%, 163 votes
    163 votes 24%
    163 votes - 24% of all votes
  • H. Asdullah 14%, 92 votes
    92 votes 14%
    92 votes - 14% of all votes
  • Teguh R Merdeka* 5%, 34 votes
    34 votes 5%
    34 votes - 5% of all votes
  • H. Imron 3%, 18 votes
    18 votes 3%
    18 votes - 3% of all votes
  • H. Satori 1%, 9 votes
    9 votes 1%
    9 votes - 1% of all votes
  • H. Mustofa 1%, 8 votes
    8 votes 1%
    8 votes - 1% of all votes
  • H. Lutfi 1%, 7 votes
    7 votes 1%
    7 votes - 1% of all votes
  • Drs.DIDIT MULYADI,M.A* 1%, 5 votes
    5 votes 1%
    5 votes - 1% of all votes
  • Tabset* 0%, 1 vote
    1 vote
    1 vote - 0% of all votes
  • Wahyu* 0%, 1 vote
    1 vote
    1 vote - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 674
Rabu, 13 Maret 2024 | 00:00 WIB - Minggu, 14 April 2024 | 00:00 WIB
* - added by visitor
Voting is closed

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